Sunday, July 26, 2009

MIBM recap

Well, it is another race that has been placed in my record books. Alot of ups and downs during this event. When I got there, I had eaten some PB&J's for supper. I told Mandie before the race that I might try and go for the win tonight. If I got into trouble I was at least going to get 1st place in the men's division. I was going to put into use what I have been learning from RC.

Time 8:12 and quick time for some pre-race pictures and then it was off and running. I tried to play it conservative and just learn the course at first while we still had some light. Andrew did a good job with putting out the directional signs with glow sticks on them. I was running with a map and trying to remember trees at the times where we should turn but then when it gets dark, you cant see the trees.

Lap 1 was about 51 minutes of heat and hills. For the entire 13.1 miles, there is about .3 miles of flat roads. The rest is nothing but HILLS. I was feeling good but had to make a pit stop to the potty which took me about 3 1/2 minutes. Then it was to pick up some fluids and get back on the road. I met up with a gentleman by the name of Andy. I think he said he was from Ft. Walton FL. We would run downhills and flats and walk most of the uphills. We talked alot about the course and just running stuff. It was then I decided to try and talk to most of the runners tonight to try and met some new friends. I was going to have a good run but most of all I was going to have fun.

Lap 2 was about 58 minutes but I was feeling good except for the friction burn where I forgot to put some body glide. I was asking for some Vaseline and could not find any but then I found some Gold Bond lotion in my truck and used it. OMG it burned. I should just have run with out. It was in for a quick splash for water and power aide and then off for the final lap.

Lap 3 was about 50 minutes and now I was through. The finish line was some glow sticks laid across the road with glow sticks curved into a ball. My wife was there to get photos of hot and sweaty tired runners. My legs were feeling good but I was glad to be finished. When I went past the aid station at mile 11, I grabbed a water bottle to help me get through the heat. I passed Deb Botkin about a half mile later and she did not see the station. I stopped and went back to give her my water bottle and we had the general discussion " No you take, no you take it". I then told her to take so that it would make me run faster knowing that I have to make it back to the finish line to get fluids.

Well I did it with a time of 2:35:42. It was not a PR night but a great night to run with new and old friends. I did finish 1st in the men's division and missed 1st overall by 2 minutes. Yes 2 minutes and I could have won. Oh so close but no cigar.

I was able to met some more Marathon Maniacs. # 107 Dave I believe was his name from Florida, there was a guy there who once ran a 50K warm up before running the 50K route and one man was there from Florida. We had a coast to coast running community last night. Also Donna from the Macon Tracks club was there to finish her 1st marathon with a time of about 7:52. It was a hard course to run the first. I picked a much easier course to do my first one. Donna my hat goes off to you.

A special thanks to Andrew for putting on another great and fun race. Also I would like to say thank you to his wife for allowing me to jump in there shower to cool off and put some dry clothes on. Thank you to the gentleman for telling me and Andy that we almost missed our turn on the course. We were talking and almost missed one of the signs. It is another one to put in the books and I will looking to do this one again next year.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Great job last night!!!!!