Saturday, July 18, 2009

Resting before a race

This is totally different for me because I normally run in the early morning or when I get off from work. I am usually in bed by 9 at night but tonight I will be racing a t 9 o'clock. Yes at 9 at night in the pitch dark. I have done a race before in the dark and I did not place very well. I was constantly trying to look at the ground to see if I could see anything that I might trip over. Luckily tonight the race in on regular streets and I hope I don't have to worry about tripping up and falling.

I am up in the air about my time for this race. I want to try and PR but this course has 2 big hills in it. I hope that my hill training will pay off and help me to push my way to a new PR. The finish of the race is about .3 miles downhill right after you finish the second hill.

Well I am off to wash some cars and then sit back by the pool and rest up for my night race. I will try and get a race report tomorrow if all possible. Have a great day.

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