Friday, July 10, 2009

Tempo runs

I have been on vacation this last week so I have not been running like I should have. I did manage to get 2 days in but that is just not enough. I missed out on Tuesday's track workout so I decided to last night to go for my first tempo run.

I am suppose to be running 20 minutes at a pace of 8:55. I was told since I have not done this before that I could break the runs into 2 10 minutes sessions until I get use to it. So it was off to the track to attempt my first run.

It was warm with the temps around 89 with no breeze. I decided to run a 5 minute run and then a 10 minute run. My first run was for 5 minutes at a 8:44 pace. I could not believe how effortlessly it came to me. I really thought I could go further. So I did.

The second run was for 10 minutes at a 8:38 pace which was a lot faster than what I was suppose to run. I have to run more of these to get my pace down like it is suppose to be at. I was pouring sweat but my HR was at 151 which is where it is suppose to be. It was actually in range. I could not believe it.

I DID IT!!!!!!

I really thought it was going to be something I was not going to accomplish. But then I thought about my last 5K run and I told myself it was like running a half 5 K at the same pace. So I did and it worked for me. I need to keep this up so that I can reach my goal of a sub 25 PR at Labor Day road race.

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