Sunday, July 12, 2009

TIRED, enough said

This morning my alarm clock went off at 5:00 a.m. just like I set it. It was time for me to get up and go run my long run. I was not feeling good so I went back to sleep. I was having some cramps behind my left knee so I did not get a good rest. So I decided to go ahead and get up and head off to the loop. I made my peanut butter sandwich and sat down and thought about going back to bed.


I got dressed and headed out to run. I was dressed and there was no turning back. I got there and noticed I was about 15 minutes late. I was going to run completely by myself. I wasn't sure how this was going to work.

I got about 1/2 mile and I saw someone running. YEAH, I thought it was going to be lonely. Then a big field rat came out of the grass beside me and then I realized I was not alone. Ha-Ha. I went out and started to see familiar faces going back to the cars and then it hit me, stupid you should have over slept. I could be running with everyone else.

I made it to the 1/2 point at 4.5 miles so I stopped at our water stop and got a drink.


Reminder to myself. Don't stop for long. Grab the water and go. Just like in a race the clock does not stop. My HR went down and so did the morale. Next time it will be a splash and go. So I was off to get back to my truck but I was not a fast or consistent on my journey back. But I did it. I made it back.

9 miles on my long run. My longest run in a long time. After running hills yesterday and my long run today, I am a little tired and sore. So off to bed I am going.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Congrats - for not giving in to the lazy monster.