Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hill workouts

Well I did it and I am glad I went. I was told to be there at 7:15 and I got there about a minute early to see that everyone else had just left on their warm up lap. I quickly gathered my stuff and went to join them. I only got about 1/3 mile out and everyone turned around so that everyone would run together.

Now that we are warmed up with the sun peeping through the tree tops, it is time to run some hills. Normally we have a small mud hole that we have to run around where David Tinkey's dogs sit but it was dried up. Instead there was a tractor there for us to run around. It was like passing someone in a race. I always try to picture myself in a race during everyone of my runs.

7 repeats today so that I can run more than I did the last time. I should keep my times around 2 minutes on my splits and that I did. I keep them around 2 minutes for most of the laps. Some of them got up to 2:05 but I was tired. It was now time for me to run my last lap and Sam said to put it on the line. And that I did.

Michelle asked me not to pass her but I could not resist. Off we went and I caught her around the 200M mark. We went around the tractor and I turned it on. I laid it out for the world to see. I struggled up the hill to the finish line with a time of 1:54.

Thank God by now it was over. I was spent. Now it was off for the cool down mile run. It was funny but we were still running hills on the cool down lap. I know that all this training will pay off when it comes time to hit the BIG HILL at Labor Day. I will be able to look back at it and say "That was not all that bad".

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