Sunday, July 19, 2009

Report from the Bragg Jam

Home recovering from the race and I can say it was not a PR course. I was upset with myself at first but now that I look back at it, what do I have to be mad at? I can tell that the hill workouts have paid off. The race had 2 big hills and I went up them, called them some names and then looked back and said goodbye.

The race started a little late at 9:15 but it was still somewhat humid. I went out for my prerace warmup and ran the course. When the race started I tried to watch my watch to make sure I did not go too fast. Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 8:52 HR 159

Mile 2: 8:48 HR 167

Mile 3: 8:50 HR 171

Last .08: 8:48 HR 175

I think I was about 2 seconds from passing out. I can honestly say I gave it my all. I did not get a PR but I did so much better on the hills.

Congrats to Michelle Archer and Sam for new PRs tonight. It was a hard course and the hard work has paid off for some people. I am still trying and hoping for cooler weather.


Amy said...

Great job Tim! The race started late for 2 reasons: 1. It was advertised to start at 9:00 on the race app but on at 9:15. Oops! and 2. We had that wheelchair competitor who needed to start considerably earlier than everyone else. Glad you had a great race..

Stefanie said...

Great job on the race. Those are some awesome splits!!!!