Sunday, April 12, 2009

1st finished

The 1st week of my new training schedule is over. I don't think I could go back and look at my schedule from the past year and see where I ran 6 days in a week, but now I can. I can already start to see some minor improvement in just one week.
Yesterday it was first long day run for 60 minutes nonstop at a pace around 11-11:30. Well I didn't want to go by myself so I called my friend Tommy and he said he is dealing with a stress fracture and could not run. He said he was looking at buying a bike and I told him that I have one and he could ride it while I was running. He agreed. Also Steve decided he was going to run with me also. He said his pace was going to be about 30 sec behind me so Tommy was going to ride back and forth between the two of us.
Well I was off and I am not going to lie, my nerves were kicking in very strong. I have not run a nonstop 60 min run in a long time. I am trying to convert from the Galloway program and just run. It was a little warm with temps in the mid 70's. No breeze. I had already been working in the yard and playing with my son all day. I figured that if you train in the worst conditions you always pray for the best conditions for race day.
When we were coming down the river walk I asked Tommy what kind of time did I have left to run. I thought I had about 20 minutes to go when he floored me and said "you have about 8 minutes to go and you will be through". I couldn't believe it that it was almost over and I was feeling great. I wanted to speed up some but I did not want to mess up my time splits.
We all meet up back at our vehicles and discussed how the run went and that was fun. It felt like being at a race. Then I realized that is so nice to have friends there to celebrate a minor achievement with me.
I don't know if I will run today due to Easter celebrations. I hope everyone has a blessed day and remember why we celebrate Easter. It is not for the chocolate, it is for our Lord.


Amy said...

Congrats Tim! Who knew it was this easy, huh??

Do you know how long it will be until you get a new Garmin? Troy's is back to running more consistently and wanted to start logging his mileage as soon as you get another one!

Have a great Monday!

RC said...

Good job my man. You are on your way. You have it in you to be great and enjoy doing it. Keep it up. We are POD people, PAIN OF DISCIPLINE.

Run Strong My Friend,

Tommy's Blog said...

i knew you'd do it my brother...enjoyed seeing the look on your face when i told you '8 minutes' :)