Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My new marathon pace

I went out last night to the track and tried a new schedule. RC showed up and told me to try my marathon pace on my 30 min run and see if I could keep my HR at 153. Well I thought it would be like running a 5K so I decided to give it a shot.

30 minutes running = 2.99 miles = 150 average HR

My goal for the run was to keep a 10:07 with an average HR of 153. I nailed it and did a little better. I was feeling good last night. I was surprised because the night before I did my long run. I used to have to take a day or two off to recover but not now. The training is paying off. Consistency really works.

When I got through, I was told that each week to extend the run by 5 minutes or so and before I knew it, I would be holding this pace for a marathon. WOW, I never really looked at it like that. I think it is all coming into perspective now. It does not happen overnight but it will eventually happen.

I now that the charts don't reflect super human speed for some people but it is a major improvement for me.

Have a great day.


Stefanie said...

10:07 sounds super human to me!!!

RC said...

Very well done TIMMAN. You are well on your way. Be strong, be faithful, and be consistent. That was a picture perfect MARATHON PACE run. Keep it up.