Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday run???????

Today I was suppose to get in a long run for at least 20 miles. I only have 3 weeks before Disney and mentally it is not looking so good. I need some good runs to get me going again.

Last night, Mandie and myself went out with some of my running friends, Steve, Troy and Amy. We went carb loading in preparation for today's long run. I had lots of pizza to get me ready.

I got up this morning and started to go put the door. I had everything ready. Cereal, lights, shoes, socks and clothes. I headed out the door and got down my driveway and forgot my Garmin. So back inside and now I am running behind schedule. Troy and I meet at the triangle about he same time this morning to start our long day.

We started out on our journey, both of us forgot our safety vests :(, at 5:45 a.m. I got about a mile into the run and the storm let loose on us. It did not take long before my shoes were soaked and my contacts were drying out from the hurricane force winds so it was back to the truck for me. I did not want to take a chance on getting blisters or making my sinus infection any worse.

I went back home and took a nap and later on that morning I took my son to WRAFB to see a model train exhibit and to look at airplanes. I had decided to run later on today.

Well it was now about 3:15 and I had put it off long enough. I need to go running. So I was off to log in some long mileage. I got about 3 miles into my blustering run when I encountered my soon to be new running partner for the day, Bambi.

I was running down our river walk when this deer that I have seen before comes up to me wanting something to eat. I had to take this picture. Some man was out there petting it on the head. When I tried to start running, it would jump in front of me like it did not want me to leave. So I stayed for a while watching it eat and have its picture taken from the people who were passing by.
Well once aging I misses out on my long run but today I got a chance to change my long day to a nature day and also got time in exchange to spend quality time with my son. I will have plenty of time to go run with a mouse but not to many days to run with a deer.
Have a great week.


Stefanie said...

I wanna run with a deer.

WHen in doubt you can run a very slow slow slow 20 with me on saturday. We can iron out the details soon!

Amy said...

That's hilarious! Tim, you do realize that you are more than prepared for this silly little marathon, right? Have you forgotten that you made running 33+ miles look very easy a few weeks ago?

See you at the track tonight.