Saturday, January 17, 2009

Marathon Maniac

Today my new title is Marathon Maniac with the number to be coming soon. I ran the Disney marathon on Sunday and today the Aviation marathon. 2 marathons in 7 days and I feel great.

I ran with Deb and her friend Pruitt for a 1:1 pace to get me through the day. I am so glad I did it this way cause now I feel great and I don't hurt. Just sore but that is normal. Thank you Deb for pacing me today and helping me achieve my Maniac status. You are a true friend.

My wife is having back surgery at the end of the month so I will be taking some time of from racing for a short while. I am still going to be running but just for fun.

It is time to sit back and enjoy my chocolate? peppermint shake from Chick-fil-a and watch t.v.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Congrats Maniac!!!!!!