Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Getting ready

I am in the process of trying to get everything ready for Disney. I am looking at my list and checking it twice. I don't want to forget anything. I am now in the MIND-CRAZY mode.

Right now I am thinking about nothing other than the race. I cant help myself. I just want everything to be right. When this is over I want to be able to go back and say I did everything possible to make my best time for the race.

When I got home last night my son met me at the back door and wanted to go bike riding before I went to the track workout. Well what the heck. What could it hurt. EVERYTHING! We were riding around the house when I started to pop wheelies and my son kept saying "Go higher". Well I did not want to make him upset so I did and paid the price. The front tire went up, bike flew off and the pedal dug into my shin. OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!

I quickly turned and told my son to turn his head cause I was going to say some words on the trash cans. Sponge bob fans will know what I am talking about. I was mad. Here it is 4 days before the marathon and I have blood coming through my pants leg. I almost called 911 cause I did not want to look at it. Well luckily it was not as bad as I thought. I did not have to get a blood transfusion. :) It quickly started to bruise and swell. So what did I do, I went to the track workout.

Yes you are probably thinking why. Well I did not want to sit home and think about my leg cause then I would have thrown a circuit in my brain. I thought I would just go and run some easy miles to get my mind off some things.

The first two miles we were averaging about a 9:15 pace and our walk breaks put us in a 10:30 range. That is exactly where I want to be for the race. I just hope I can hold the pace for the entire 26.2 miles. I am starting the race off with Michelle Archer and having Amy join me somewhere between miles 10 and 20. I still thinks she wants to try and run the whole thing even though she wont admit to it.

Today I hope to get everything written down so that I can start packing and getting ready. Until then, no running, no riding just writing.


Bryan said...

Nothing feels as bad as a bike pedal to the shin! Good luck this weekend.

Stefanie said...

No getting hurt Mister!

I am getting ready to post a blog about packing too. Seriously, how did I end up with one entire suitecase of "running stuff"

Amy said...'s Friday and Troy and I still haven't done anything beyond printing out our waiver so Tim and Mandie can pick up our packets...did I ever say I was organized??

Good luck you guys!

My favorite running saying is "the hay is in the barn!"