Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Looking back after Disney

First of all the picture to the right is the pic from the HM not the full.

Looking back, it was a blast. I have so many memories that I am going to try and write them down. I am at work so if I have to go, I will finish eventually. You really have to read different stories from others to get the true effects because some things are left out from different people. Not everyone saw the same thing through out the race.

First of all I have to say a special thank you to my lovely and grateful wife Amanda for supporting me and being there for me through out the whole event. For waiting for me, taking pictures, helping me to get everything together and waiting all those times I was out logging in all those miles.

Day 1 on vacation. We arrived at our motel to check in and our friends Kenny and Stefanie were there to meet and greet us. Kenny who grew up in Orlando had called me and said when we get there he would drive us around so I could look around. I was glad cause I had no idea where to go. It was about 12 years since I was last in Orlando and things have changed. He took us to the Disney Wide World Of Sports so I could check in and get my packet and my shirt. While we were there we walked around the expo for a little bit so I could figure out what to look at tomorrow when we come back.

We then left from Disney and rode around the town while being shown were Kenny and Stef went to college at UCF. I had a blast while riding around and being able to site see cause I was not driving. We were on one the busiest road around the town looking at the buildings when suddenly with no warning, Kenny hit the brakes and we were heading for the ditch. Some idiot in front of us stopped and caused a bad chain reaction. We all had started to laugh when we realized we almost had to go the hospital before running the race.

We were riding around talking about dinner when Kenny suggested a place called Ale restaurant on the out skirt of town where allot of people wont be at. Well I guess a lot of people had the same idea. Everywhere we went there were thousands of people. Orlando is a busy town.

Well after dinner we headed back to the motel cause it had been a long day. I was trying plan out what we were going to do at the expo. We got up and finally got going around 10:30 the next morning. We were told that there was a cafe beside the expo in the park so we decided to give it at try. Man, I glad we did. I t had some of the best hamburgers I had ever put in my mouth. And I have eaten a lot in the past :) We then went to the expo. The biggest thing I can remember is having my picture taken with 2 Olympians: Jeff Galloway and Hunter Kemper. Jeff is a 1972 Olympian runner now turned running coach who I admire and Hunter a 2008 7th place finisher in the Olympic triathlon event. It was great knowing I was standing and talking with such great athletes. There was so much to look at. Allot of vendors were selling shoes, socks and last minute gels.

We left from the expo to go back to the motel and change and get ready for dinner. We were going to meet everyone for a carb loading dinner at the Macaroni Grill. WOW. It was great. I wish we had one in our town. It put all other Italian restaurant to shame. Andrew, Troy, Amy, Kenny, Stefanie, Amanda and myself, Mellisa, her running friend from Tampa Rebecca and some of her running partners from the Tampa Running Club meet us for a wonderful evening. We talked about where Amy would meet me on the course, the lay out of the course and a lot of jokes and stories. After dinner it was time to go back and try and get some sleep. We had to get up early.

Now it is 2:45 in the morning of race day. I am trying to wake up and get motivated. Normally I have butterflies when I get up on race day but not today. It was too early to think about it. Just get up shower and start the routine. Eat the banana and bagel and get dresses. The shorts, shirt, shoes and the bib holder with the gels. 4 or 5 was the biggest question I had at the time.

We are now pulling up into the parking lot at Disney with all of the other early birds. The only thing you can see is a big bright shinning light and it looks like we are heading to a giant space ship. Everyone is parking and going to the light. I thought we were going to be sucked up and greeted by aliens. Andrew, Mellisa, Amy, Troy, Mandie and myself waited in the greeting area and talked for a few minutes while looking at every ones costumes. We saw Mickeys, Minnies, Tigers and even some Incredibles. Well now it has happened. It is time to go to the port a potties. The nerves had kicked in. The morning food is now talking with the coffee and water. Now it is time to stand in line with all the others who now have the same idea. Wait, wait, wait.

Now it is time to walk .6 miles through the abandon graveyard of Disney rides on our way to the start. We then came into the corrals. I finally made it to my corral E with 5 minutes to spare. I was making new friends with people around me when with no notice BOOM. Fireworks and flames are shooting into the air with the start of the wheelchair athletes. I truly admire these people on their accomplishments. Then about 5 minutes later, we get a 5 second count down with flames being shot into the air with every second. Then a light showering event of fireworks going off with enough light to light up the 5:50 a.m. morning. We are now off to what we had trained for.

As we passed by the start line, we waved to Goofy, Daffy, Minnie and Mickie. It took me about 5 minutes to cross the start line after the official time had started. It is now or never. I am running by myself with no partner. I am out here without knowing anyone around me when about 100 yards into the race I ran into the back of Caryl Deems and Michelle Archer. I was glad to see some familiar faces. We were keeping a 3:1 pace and that is what we trained for. As we passed through the crowds of thousands of people, going around walkers and being passed by faster runners, we realized we were already at the first mile marker. The markers were about 5x10 foot markers that we sponsored by Sharpie. Each mile marker had a funny quote or story on them. There were also small signs along the course to make you laugh and get your mind off of the race.

As we went through the race, about every two miles we passed Disney characters to have our pictures taken if you wanted to. It was nice to see them cause it added a little change to the scenery. I was also amazed to see the amount of fluids they had for us to drink during the race. About every 2 miles they had power aid and water tables that were about 20 yards long on each side of the road. Lots of medical aids with Bio freeze and Tylenol. I was glad to see and use this tent. I had some pain issues around mile 20 with right hip pain, right ankle pain and left foot hot spots.

During the event there so many places to take pic to be able to remember later. I wished I had a camera but I would not have wanted to carry it for 26.2 miles. As we went through the castle, I saw a women waving her arms in the air and remembered to waive cause here were the photographers including Kenny and Mandie. I felt like a movie star with all of the flashes going off. I was feeling great for about the first 15 miles knowing I was only about 5 minutes off of my projected time. Then it hit.

I started having some pain issues with the heat. It was nearly 80 degrees and HOT. I was getting sunburn and tiring very fast. I was not ready for the heat. I struggled very badly wanting Amy to come out early and help me out. Michelle and Carly had stopped around mile 12 and looked at an owl that was about 6 inches tall and I kept going. The next 5 to 6 miles were rough running by myself not knowing what was around the corner. I called Amy trying to get her to meet me early and she told me that she was waiting at mile marker 19.2. I was so glad to see her. I now had someone to PUSH me through these next 7 miles. I was hurting, hot and just exhausted. Amy did everything possible to get me not to think about it and just try and keep going. I wanted to quit and sit down but she kept me going. Thank you so much.

As we came onto the 26 mile marker, Disney had a church choir singing gospel songs that made me think I was entering into the gates of Heaven. I though for a minute I had fallen out. We were trying to weave our way through tights crowds of people on such small walkways. I just wanted to try and finish with a smile. Someone then shouted finish strong and remember to smile. Amy said lets slow down for a minute and the try and Sucka me.

I could now see the Finish line and I am now getting emotional. My arms and thrown into the air with fists pumped knowing I was finished. The crowd was cheering me and others on and wow, what excitement that was to hear. Then Amy shout there is Mandie. I looked up and there was my angel with her camera capturing my glamour moments. I am now finishing strong giving high fives Chip and Dale at the finish line. I crossed 5:33 at no where near what I wanted but I was happy. I got my chip cut off, placed a Mylar blanket around me (which I did not need on the heat) and received my finishers medal that was so heavy it almost made me fall over.

Amy then escorted me to get some food and drinks and to rest. Troy went and got Mandie for me so that she could bask in the excitement with me. I was then showered with silly string in the finishers area. But not before I got a chance to spray Amy also. We waited around for a short period to also watch Mellisa and Stefanie both finish their first marathon. We then showered them with the silly string. It was a great time to celebrate.

I know that a lot of things have probable been left out and that is why I suggest to read others cause then you might be able to get the whole picture. I went into this race hoping to get a new PR but I came out with life changing memories of a great day.

After the race, we went back to the motel and I jumped into the freezing cold pool and it felt great. It was great on my tired and aching muscles. It also felt good on my head and shoulders that were fried from the HOT sun. When I got out I got my traditional ice cold choclate milk and it was sooooo good.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

You have lots to be proud of!!! Congrats on the awesome (but hot) race.