Saturday, January 9, 2010

tapering before the big one....

One week to go before the Aviation Marathon. My training schedule has been going great. I have been getting in 3 or 4 days a week with at least one day of running 18 plus miles. I have been on track for about the last 8 weeks. I think I have more miles logged in now than when I did my first marathon.

I still have questioned myself whether or not to run a 2:1 or a 3:1 ratio. I want to try and break a 5 hour time but I am not sure on what to do. I know that if I run longer times, then my overall pace can be slower than if I run lower intervals. I might try 3:1 for the first half and then change to 2:1 for the back half. I still don't know.

I am getting over a terrible virus this week. Last Sunday I went out for my longest training run ever. I was going to try and get in 23 miles but I had to settle for 21. Due to time limitations and a nagging foot, I was glad to be finished. It hit me Sunday night at midnight and I was laid up in the bed for about 3 days. No running this week trying to get the body back to normal.

I did not post last week about my weight loss. I know that I am still trying to get back to where I was before the holidays. I paid the price for the great food and now I am back to where I was at. I am still trying to loose about 1 to 2 pounds a week to slowly take it off so that it will stay off. My goal is to get down to about 230, 32 more pounds to go.

I am getting ready to take my son to the Monster Jam to see he favorite truck, Grave Digger. No running today for me but when it comes to my son, some things are worth missing. It is only suppose to be in the 30's this weekend with a cold wind. I am glad not to be running this weekend. This week will be spent on the treadmill at the Wellness Center.

For now have a blessed weekend and stay warm.

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