Thursday, January 21, 2010

10 Happy Things

I was recently tagged by Stef to write about the 10 things that make me happy. When I first thought about this I was not sure I could come up with that many but now that I have thought about it, I think this is going to be easy.

1. Family... If it were not for my family, I would not be a runner. I have such a supportive group of people at home that some days it makes it easy to go running. They are my best coaching and support staff.

2.Friends... Well this one is almost too obvious. When I need someone to go run with, all I have to do is pick up the phone and then I will have someone to join me for a run or to just get me on the base so that I can run with any traffic. My friends have pushed me to journeys I thought I would never conquer and never attempt.

3.Helping others... If you know me you know I am a paramedic. I got into this career to help people but I am now talking about this right now. I am talking about helping others in running and health. I know that I am struggling with my weight issues but I love giving inspirational thoughts and motivational speeches while I run.

4.Improvement... I use to think that any improvement in running was only in the form of PR's but I have found that not to be true. It could come as not putting on any weight for the week. It could be running a race at the same time but having a quicker and better recovery time in the healing of my legs and body.

5.My Salvation... This one should have been put in at number one because with God, I could do nothing and I mean nothing. He has given me deep down strength when I have hit rock bottom. I have had some long talks with him when I have been on some of my marathons but I was still able to finish.

6.Group meals...And you thought I would not talk about food. I love when I get a chance to go out and eat with my friends. It could be at a pasta dinner or just go out for a snack. It gives me a chance to find out what races people are doing or going to be doing so they can PRESSURE me into doing that my mind is saying "You are crazy". But I still do it.

7.Seeing people's faces... I mean when I am in line at packet pickup for the marathons I have done in the past, I love to see other runners. It is so funny when people ask me "Are you doing the half also" and I get a chance to watch their jaws drop when I tell them "No, I am here for the marathon and this is not my first one".

8.Bike rides...I almost forgot how much fun it is to get out and go for a bike ride. When I was about 15, I went on my 1st century (100 mile) ride and I did not think anything about it. Now I look back and think it was a big accomplishment and a start of something great. I love getting on my TREK and riding the streets of Ga. Whether it is going out for a 40 mile ride or a quick 20 mile ride while training for a TRI, I just love it. I think deep down inside, I still want to meet and ride with Lance one day. Oh how cool that would be for this big boy.

9.When things are in order...This could be at work, home or out running. I just like it when things are going like they are suppose too. I don't like knowing I will have to come to a crossroad in life and have to make a choice. I have been known to make some bad choices before in the past. I don't like hitting speed bumps in life because they tend to make you slow down and look around. I just like it when things are going right and everyone is happy.

10.Reaching a goal...This could be something small or big. I have not had good success in the past on keeping my goals. I am not much of a long term person. I like to have quick goals so that I can reach out and finish them. I have an attention problem and it is hard for me to remember what I am suppose to be doing. I did my 1st TRI last year and I thought this was a huge accomplishment for me. This was something that took me a couple of months of preparation and training. Now I am in the process for participating in my 1st Half-Ironman in Sept so this is going to really push myself. I have run 3 marathons in the last 3 months and have 3 more to go. I set a goal of running 6 marathons in 6 months and so far, I am on track to conquer and finish this goal.

I thought this was going to be harder to write but once I sat down, I was able to do this in a matter of minutes. There are so many other things in life that make me happy but I was asked to write 1o things. I think if I were to keep going, I could publish at least 1000 things.

Sometimes I just have to sit down and write about things to keep me going but I love to share my thoughts with others and read the feed back. During my last marathon at the WRAFB, I had a couple of people tell me that they have been reading my blogs and like them. That could have been number 11. I like it when people tell me they have followed my blogs. I just hope that one day it will help someone the same way I have received help. Sometimes it only takes a word of hope or wisdom. I might not be a smart runner but I try and catch myself listening to others and spreading the wealth.

Have a great week....

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