Sunday, September 13, 2009

A bucket of nerves

I have not posted since last week due to being very busy. I have one week to go before my TRI. I can not take any more pressure right now. My stomach is in knots. I am very nervous about the whole event. I am stepping out of my comfort zone and going into fresh water, no pun intended.

I ran in the 5K yesterday, Camp Little Shot, and I love this race. It is made up of 4 hills and very little flats. I tried to take it easy and use it for a training run. I ran it in 28:32. I tried to keep my splits even or at a negative split. I have not looked at my watch yet. I tell you that this TRI is the ONLY thing on my mind right now.

I have to give a special shout out for my friend Kenny for breaking 30 minutes for the first time in a 5K and receiving 3rd place in his age group.

I have been swimming so much lately that I think I should be able to grow gills and fins by now. It is slowly getting better but it is something that will have to take time over the winter. I went yesterday and bought a sprint TRI suit to help me stay a float. I tried it out today and it really does help. If nothing else, it helps me with my confidence.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

And Confidence is just the key right now!

6 days and counting. You will be awesome... I promise!