Sunday, November 30, 2008

6 Things to make me happy

As I am sitting here getting caught up on reading the blogs I just noticed that I have been blogged to make a list of 6 things that make me happy.

1. Jesus Christ. Who has given me the ability to run and help others. Without him listening to me while I run, no-one else could get me through this. There have been many days that we carry on conversations on some dark and lonely country roads.

2. No pain. As I have increased my mileage, I finished a 50K yesterday, I have been very lucky not to be injured. Right now I am sore but I think it will pass with a few days of R/R with Advil.

3. Running. I have found that running helps me to release my anger and issues through pounding the pavement. I am a paramedic and some days I feel like going to a bar and drinking my fears and tears away but then I remind myself they will still be there. Running helps me not to be on medicine.

4. Family. If it was not for my family to keep me involved emotionally in running, I would not know what to do. My wife is so supportive of my running decisions after I tell her what and where I am going to run next. I always know that she will be there with me.

5. Friends. Need I say anymore. When you get friends to run in the soppy, wet and cold rainy mud puddles for 33 miles, who else could you count on.

6. My job as a paramedic. This is where I am thankful for the knowledge that I have in case someone gets hurt and I hopefully can help them in their time of need. Also it helps in case my running partners hurt themselves.

1 comment:

Marathoner in Training said...

Great job on your first ultra.