Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What a great day to be........ ME

What a great day I had today. I started off this morning by getting on the scales and it showed that today I weigh the same thing that I did my senior year in high school some many years ago. I have now officially lost 54 pounds with the help of diet and running.
Another great thing was I was able to get out and run 5 miles today with no effort and no problems. I actually went allot faster than normal. It felt great. I am trying to cut back to get ready for my 50K this Saturday. I got a chance to run with my running partner Amy and we had a great run and talk. She is going through some issues with her legs and feet but I think she is better now.
I had to ponder on a situation that I thought about today and asked myself "Why do we try and put ourselves in the same category as someone else?" I mean we are always trying to be a good as an Olympic tack star, professional sports player or someone in your local running community. Why cant we just be satisfied with our own abilities and stop pushing ourselves into something or someone we are not. I myself have come to the understanding that I have gotten a little smaller, faster on the course and allot wiser through the years and I am happy. I know that I will not be a fast as some of the people I would like too be but that is OK. I know that somewhere there is someone out there that would like to be as fast as me and you. I don't want you think that I am getting a big head but really someone out there is always trying to catch up with you. Don't ever forget that because that is what drives me to continue to run every time I get a chance. Until then, I will continue to give it my best and try and catch the next person before he or she catches me.

Have a great day and be happy with yourself because you have to be happy about yourself before you can be happy to someone else. Wooo, that was heavy. It almost sounded like something off of the Jerry Springer Show. LOL

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