Friday, August 27, 2010

Bartram Marathon/50K

I was just told of some bad and good news. Like usual we will go with the bad first and good next.

Bad news: The annual Bartram Marathon/50K race at Bartram Forrest on the Saturday after Thanksgiving has been postponed due to the race director having too much on his plate taking night classes to finish up with his degree.

Good news: Deb Botkin and myself have decided to step up to the plate and become co-race directors for the race this year so it is on!!!!!!!!!

I have never done this before so I know that Deb will help me out. I am willing to do what is needed because this is such an awesome race. It is the only ultra-marathon that I have ever done and will be doing again this year. I have some friends that will be coming with me so the race must go on.

If you are not familiar with the race, it is a cross country course that is on grass, gravel roads and dirt roads. It is a figure 8 course that is about 5.25 miles with 2 aid stations. One which is unmanned and the other has more food than a buffet on Sunday afternoon. It is such a fun race that is low keyed.

I am looking forward to this race cause it will be 2 weeks after our Chickamauga Marathon at which we are training for.

And for my weight loss, well it was not a good week due. I have to say that the loss was zero. At least there was no gain. We just finished week 7 and I am down 9 pounds. I still have a goal to loose at least 1 to 1.5 pounds per week and then by the end of the year, I should be able to be at my lowest weight in many years.

Have a great weekend as I know cause my long run tomorrow is only 8 miles. Yippee!!!!

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