Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Time for some new shoes

I have been having some pains in my left foot and now it is starting to hurt in my outer left calf. I went to Run-Fit to see about if I needed to change my shoes again. I found out that the Asics 3010 that I have actually helped me at first but then hurt me in the end. When the left shoe started to break down, the extra arch support started to push my foot outward which put more pressure on the outside of my foot.

I went out yesterday with a pair of Gel-Nimbus 12's to try and see if it would help my pain. I think it did. I went for about 30 minutes on the treadmill and ti felt so good. I woke up this morning with a lot less pain. Normally when I would get up in the morning it would feel like a knife butting shoved into my foot.

A quick recap of training for Chickamauga so far: 2 Saturdays ago we went for a 17 miler at which I had problems with the end. The last 3 miles were uphill. Still finished with the time goal that we were looking at. This past Sat we did 9 miles of speed work at which we kicked some serious butt. We were about 20 seconds per mile faster than we should have been doing. It helped me mentally to have this run cause it put me back in check for our time goal.

My weight loss is helping me alot also. I have now gotten off 12 pounds in 9 weeks. I am still shooting for at least 1 to 1.5 pounds per week so that I will be able to keep it off and not some quick loss plan where you put it all back on in the end. For every pound you loose, it is equivalent to about 50 seconds in a marathon. I need every advantage that I can find to help me out.

Have a great week and I will re post soon.

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