Tuesday, August 10, 2010

15 Miler

Sorry this is a little late but here it goes. We arrived to start our journey bright and early. 5 a.m. and we are off. We had about 7 of us in our group and about 10 or 12 in the other group. I was not good and awake but I was ready for the run.

We were going to go our route that we tried to do 2 weeks ago. This time we would do the whole thing and see if the miles would add up to 15. Well they did. When we started out the temps were in the low 80's with high humidity. It made it aweful to try and get a good run in. We had to drop back a little on our times so that we could breathe and not pass out. I will be so glad to see the cooler temps come back. I miss them.

When we came into the Indian Mounds, we came upon a split in the road. It was very dark and I asked the group if they wanted to have some fun. They said Yes. So we hide around the corner until Brandi's group came around and then we started to run again. It was dark and they could not see us. I think someone said some ugly words when we came out. It was funny and I think personally we all needed a good laugh to start the day.

As the time went by, the humidity slowly got better but the temps got higher. On our first loop of the course, we were holding a 2:1 ratio of run/walk with a average time of 12:47/mile. That is about what we have been averaging on the long runs. Well on the 2nd loop I decided to back it down to 1/1 and the time almost stayed the same. We all agreed that the 1/1 felt better.

After the run I went out for a 1/2 mile walk with no shoes. It felt great o get out of them. Brandi had brought chocolate milk for us. IT WAS SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!! That is one of the best after run drinks you can every have to replace carbs.

Well this weekend I think we are going for mile repeats. I believe it is seven. Seeing that I am one of the leaders you would think that I would have the calender memorized by now. Well I don't.

Until later, have a wonderful week.

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